Fine Tuning Automotive Mental Health Project

Fine Tuning Automotive Mental Health


The Fine Tuning Automotive Mental Health (FTAMH) project delivered by the VACC (March 2020 to 30 June 2022) aimed to drive systems change for improved mental health practices within automotive workplaces. 

The project developed and delivered a number of inter-connected components. It produced a range of educational materials in both print form and downloadable through its website. It appointed Facilitators to engage directly with workplaces via workplace visits. Facilitators engaged 250 workplaces to distribute materials; introduce business owners/managers to the website; provide consultation and advice on strategies and plans and support and feedback. 

The resources produced by the project were very well received with particular appreciation for The Little Blue Book of Workplace Mental Health and the Support Services Poster. The Action Plan booklet was also identified as a valuable tool for assessing the workplace. Facilitators believed that the site visits considerably enhanced the value of the resources, and this view was supported where employers endorsed the value of site visits in raising their awareness, increasing their knowledge and providing useful guidance for assessing and responding to work-related risk factors. 

The project’s website is still being maintained by the VACC and users can access resources and log in to use the program’s facilities. A dedicated link is available that takes one to WorkSafe resources particularly relevant to the automotive industry.  CLICK HERE to go the website.